2020.. What a year..!
For over 5 yeas now we have been in the business of producing VR and 360 video content. And what a 5 years they have been..
We’ve traveled the world, experienced amazing events and seen incredible sights. We have met people that have inspired us and touched our hearts. In this compilation we bring you a few of the highlights from all those productions. Travel to Italy, Spain, France, La Palma, Cuba, Mexico, Uganda and many other countries. Visit nature and cities. Meet people from all over the world.
A majority of shots that are included in this showreel are taken from the ever growing ‘A Gorilla Travels’ episodes, about which you can read more here.
We hope you enjoy watching this compilation and we look forward to producing many more awesome videos in the next 5 years!
Follow us on YouTube to stay tuned on our latest productions.