Today we have reached 10k subscribers on our YouTube channel. We would like to thank all those who are following us and appreciate our productions. We can promise you: there is much more to come!
Some of the cool productions coming up:
Komodo: A Paradise Under Pressure. A VR documentary by VR Gorilla & The Watermen Project, where we show the beauty and wonder of this precious ecosystem, and how it is under pressure from plastic pollution.
Maasai Alternative Rite of Passage. A short film about Sereya: a young Maasai girl that is saying ‘no’ to FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). We follow her as she goes through the ARP (Alternative Rite of Passage), initiated by Amref Flying Doctors.
A Gorilla Travels. New episodes coming up! Including Bangkok, Northern Thailand, Laos & Cambodja. And a bit closer to home, Barcelona and Vienna!
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