
10.000 Subscribers On Our YouTube Channel

By November 25, 2017 No Comments

Today we have reached 10k subscribers on our YouTube channel. We would like to thank all those who are following us and appreciate our productions. We can promise you: there is much more to come!

Some of the cool productions coming up:

Komodo: A Paradise Under Pressure. A VR documentary by VR Gorilla & The Watermen Project, where we show the beauty and wonder of this precious ecosystem, and how it is under pressure from plastic pollution.

Maasai Alternative Rite of Passage. A short film about Sereya: a young Maasai girl that is saying ‘no’ to FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). We follow her as she goes through the ARP (Alternative Rite of Passage), initiated by Amref Flying Doctors.

A Gorilla Travels. New episodes coming up! Including Bangkok, Northern Thailand, Laos & Cambodja. And a bit closer to home, Barcelona and Vienna!

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